Conservation volunteering

A conservation volunteering work morning at Wapley Bushes
A conservation volunteering work morning at Wapley Bushes

Are you interested in conservation volunteering? We hold work mornings every two months or so, plus walks and special events. Many of our volunteers also come along to Avon Wildlife Trust sessions and events at other nature reserves in our local area.

We carry out practical conservation tasks. For example we do planting, pruning, cutting back overgrown pathways and litter picking.

Volunteers work as a group on organised sessions. We give full instructions and safety guidance, and provide the tools you need. It’s a friendly activity with like-minded people.

You don’t need any previous experience, so long as you like doing something practical outdoors.

Young people under 16 and vulnerable adults are welcome. They must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

No wheelchair access is available. The worksites can be across muddy or uneven ground. Other than that, we always have a range of tasks to suit different levels of fitness.

Full details of coming events are on our blog, or you can follow the links from our Home Page.

There’s no long term commitment, but you may find that conservation volunteering is just the sort of thing you’re looking for. Please come and meet us!