Our next work morning will be on Sunday, 25 January. We will be doing some traditional woodland management – coppicing, in other words removing excess growth of self-seeded ash – in the Centenary plantation.
Then we’ll will bring the brash – the cut material – down to places where we need to reinforce and rebuild dead hedging. Dead hedges are barriers made entirely from natural material, that we use to protect sensitive areas. Stakes are driven into the ground at intervals, and longer cut branches are woven between the stakes.
Please come and help, no experience necessary. We’re meeting at the Shire Way gate at 10.00 am. You’ll need to wear suitable footwear and warm clothing, but tools will be provided.
You can ring Paul for details on 01454 315851, or just turn up on the day.
Another note for your diary – the following work morning will be on March 14, when we shall be doing some hedgerow/boundary planting near Chris’s Bridge.