Meet at the Shire Way entrance to the woodland, south Yate, BS37 8US, 10.00am.
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Goose Green Workday – Saturday 13 April
Please meet at the bridge on the reserve, west of Oak Close, north Yate, BS37 5TN, 10.00am.
Ridge Wood woodland work morning, Sunday 10 March
10am -12noon, meet at the Melrose Close entrance of Ridge Wood local nature reserve, situated between Yate and Chipping Sodbury.
Work days are a fantastic way to make a practical contribution to the future of this important local nature reserve and are great fun. A range of activities will be undertaken, suitable for all abilities.
New volunteers are always welcome – no need to book, just turn up. Gloves and tools provided.
Further details and a map can be found on the Ridge Wood website:
Wapley Bushes Local Nature Reserve Workday – Saturday 16 March
Meet at the Shire Way entrance to the woodland, south Yate, BS37 8US, 10.00am.
River Frome Spring Clean work morning – Saturday 16 March
Meet at 10am at the Kennedy Way Pond, Link Road, Yate Shopping Centre (parking is available at the two car parks on either side of Link Road, BS37 4AY).
Very productive work morning at Wapley on Sunday 17 Feb
We had an excellent tree planting session at Wapley on Sunday. Fifteen volunteers planted 33 trees and did a litter-pick as well. We were pleased to welcome four new volunteers including a family group.
In the core of the Ancient Woodland we put in 24 trees, a mixture of English oak, black poplar, linden, black alder and rowan (mountain ash). All of these will grow into substantial trees to replace anticipated losses of the high canopy due to Ash Dieback Disease, which is now only a few miles away. By using a wide mix of native species we are future-proofing the woodland against as yet unknown diseases, while providing a good habitat replacement for birds, insects and lichen.
We also put in 9 smaller trees in a gap on the woodland edge nearest to the Common where a big tree fell a few months ago – wild cherry, goat willow, field maple and common hazel.
Our next work morning will be on Saturday 16 March. As well as another 30 plus significant trees we shall be putting in some plug plants of typical ancient woodland species such as yellow archangel on the woodland floor, and doing some litter picking as well.
Wapley Local Nature Reserve Workday – Sunday 17 February
Meet at the Shire Way entrance to the woodland, south Yate, BS37 8US, 10.00am.
A very merry Christmas from Wapley Bushes!
Many hands made light work at Wapley work morning on 2 December!
Wapley Local Nature Reserve Workday – Sunday 2 December
Meet at the Shire Way entrance to the woodland, south Yate, BS37 8US, 10.00am.