We did a litter-pick right round the Woodland and the Common, and we were pleased to see that there was less litter than we expected. We checked out the new orchard trees, and these seem to be doing well apart from from some damage by wandering goats (!) – we’ve been assured that the goats have now been relocated toa field further away.
We cut back trees that have been intruding onto the woodland paths, which was very much needed due to the amount of growth because of the wet weather. We’ll have to return to this task on another work morning because there are patches of dense bramble that will need to be attacked with slashers, rather than the croppers and bowsaws we were using today to clear the woody branches.
A big thank you goes to everyone who took part, both the regulars and the people who were taking part for the first time – we hope you enjoyed yourselves undertaking this very valuable work!
Our next Wapley work morning will be on Saturday 19 November – please watch this blog for details of Wapley and other events.