Local people will have seen the concrete path sections being placed on the ramp down from the bridge towards Shire Way. It’s now time for the concrete sections to be put in on the other ramp, towards Wapley Common.
This is rather little more complicated, and will involve a 3.4 metre wide caterpillar track vehicle (effectively a digger without the bucket) being brought in along the Common roadway. Steel plates, track mats and bog mats will be used as applicable to spread the load. It will take most of a day to get this large vehicle over the Common into position.
The prefabricated concrete sections will be transported across the Common on a trailer, pulled by a tractor, which will distribute the weight and reduce the risk of damage to the tarmac pathway. The sections will be brought in individually as they are needed.
Dodington Parish Council and Wapley Conservation Group met the contractors Murphy this afternoon and talked through the process in detail. Public safety issues were discussed thoroughly, including what would happen if we have significant snowfall – if the children are off school and come over to Wapley to go sledging, the contractors appreciate that they will have to suspend particular parts of their work.
This phase of the work is expected to take a week to two weeks, starting shortly.