Update: This work morning has been now cancelled because of the snowy conditions. It’s likely to freeze overnight, and it would be unsafe doing the work we intended using cutting tools.
This is your chance to burn off some of those Christmas calories by joining us for our first workday of the new year. We shall be undertaking general management tasks that will help to enhance the biodiversity of this precious nature reserve. Please wear walking or wellington boots and bring some gloves if you have them.
Meet at the Shire Way entrance to the woodland, south Yate, 10.00am.
Avon Wildlife Trust’s Southwold Group is very active and would very much welcome more like-minded people to join them. They organise workdays, walks, surveys, fundraising events and it only takes a couple of hours every other month. If anyone wants to help out and try something new then please call Malcolm on 01454 310328 and you will be made very welcome.